WTF! Cop Pulls Gun On Snow-Ball Fight?!?!?!?

Posted by This Iz Where Itz At | Posted in

Well, as it turns out, Washington DC residents know exactly how much of a joke 911 is in their own town, after a cop. Pulled a gun. On kids. Throwing snowballs. Yeah, and they're reading this cop the riot act.

From Washington City Paper: "A small faction of people decided to target it with snowballs. They're throwing snowballs at the Hummer. It turns out the driver of the Hummer is a detective. He gets out. He's waving a walkie talkie. It's not going well. Then he starts waving a gun. He hadn't identified himself at this point. There was a point where things cooled off a bit, more police showed up, and he identified himself at that point.

The name was Det. Baylor. My guess was B-A-Y-L-O-R."